Friday, August 23, 2013

Running and mobile

So, why a blog on running and mobile. Well it's pretty simple really. I've worked with mobile phones since 1991 in the UK from devices to services to mobile internet to apps to web runtimes to DRM and security. I've had the privilege of working with some of the smartest and brightest people in the industry and traveled pretty extensively round the world in doing so!

I also took up running about 7 years ago now and got hooked pretty quickly. I'm not the fastest runner out there, but I can hold my own and have some reasonable PBs for my current age group MV45 including the one I'm most pleased with - a 1.29.15 half marathon time from Cologne HM in 2012.

During 2012, I ran a half marathon a month ( and managed to get 5 sub 90 minute half marathon times, but 2013 started with a minor injury and I haven't really been able to reach those heights  this year.

So, I have decided to open up a new blog not so focussed upon a particular year or goal but rather to just set down for my own record some of the things that I have been doing in both running and in my consultancy business which I set up in 2012.

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