Friday, August 23, 2013

Crook Peak Cake Race

Earlier in 2013, in discussion with some others, I decided to add a summer multi terrain race to the running club championship as the other races tended to be HMs or 10kms. So, with a quick look around, I chose the Crook Peak Cake Race on 21st August, a class A fell race of just 5km but with a glorious elevation of over 200m.

Despite some email reminders to club members, unfortunately there were only two Portishead runners in the race but over 90 runners made their way from the White Hart in Cross to the base of Crook peak just over a mile away for the start of the race at 7pm. The air was beautifully clear and the views over the Somerset levels were spectacular with Glastonbury Tor and Exmoor visible on one side over to the Welsh hills on the other. Turning round was a 140 metre climb to the top of Crook Peak about 450 m away. After the peak itself, a slightly rocky 35m drop  took the runners onto a relatively flat 300 metres where we could (unfortunately) see how far ahead the lead runners were. Then another 60m climb to the top of Wavering Down where we all had to touch the trig point and a 50m steep descent into the valley before following the crest of the next hill (Cross Plain). The race finishing line was on a steep incline at the end of the hill after a further 80m descent.

Having taken the first hill ascent relatively sensibly, I was really pleased that I was able to pick off plenty of runners between the Crook Peak and the finish although perhaps I was brave or foolish in the speeds I was taking the last descent.

I really enjoyed the race. It was well organised with a good spread of runners in each age category so that it was pretty difficult to get lost (unless you were leading). Winning time was just over 20 minutes and I came in just under 25 minutes about a third of the way down the field. Not too bad for my first official fell race! I will be back next year and hope for more of my club colleagues next time.

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